Publications / Presentations / Podcasts

Books, Monographs, and Chapters

King, B. & Lac, V. (In press). [Existential-humanistic Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy]. In: Hoffman, L. (Ed). Handbook of Humanistic and Existential Psychology. University Professors Press: CO

King, B. (2021). [Conducting Canine Assisted Psychotherapy]. In: Career Paths in Human-Animal Interaction for Social and Behavioral Scientists. Kogan, L. & Erdman, P. (Eds). Routledge: New York

King, B. (2012). [Inspiration and invocation: Creating a ritual with the triple-goddess Brigid.]. In P. Monaghan & M. McDermott (Eds.), Brigit: Sun of Womanhood. Las Vegas: Goddess Ink.

King, B. (2011). [Kuan Yin: Compassion embodied]. In P. Monaghan (Ed.), Goddesses in World Culture. Santa Barbara: Praeger.

Other Articles and Published Manuscripts

Johnson, A. & Eccles, E. (2022). SPECIAL REPORT: Animal Welfare Considerations in Animal Assisted Therapy. APA Div 17, Sec 13 Human Animal Interaction Bulletin. Volume 10, No. 1, pp. 91-105.

King, B., Johnson, A. and Stewart, L. (2021) ‘Emotional Support Animals: Important Considerations for Mental Health Providers’, Human-animal interaction bulletin. CABI. doi: 10.1079/hai.2021.0030.

King, B., McGlinn, M., & Duberstein, A. (2021). Mutuality and well-being: The human–animal bond. The Humanistic Psychologist. Advance online publication.

Cited in: Kibbie, K (2012 August 3). Did Hot Vax Summer Actually Suck? InsideHook.

King, B., Ames, A., Coleman, J., Cross, E., Drescher, K., Duberstein, A., Johnson, A., Kogan, L., Miller, C., Nitkin, P., Robino, A., Runge, N., Tucker, L., Winsor, K. (2020). Emotional Support Animal Position Statement – APA Div. 17, Sec. 13 Human Animal Interactions Ethics Workgroup.

Johnson, A., Eccles, E., Jenkins, M., Miller, C., Kogan, L., Erdman, P., Gupta, M., Schaefer, K., Marshall, P., Schroeder, K., King, B., Trevathan-Minnis, M., VanFleet, Rise., Zenithson, N. (2020). Position Statement on Animal Welfare in Animal Assisted Interventions. APA Div. 17, Sec. 13 Human Animal Interactions Ethics Workgroup.

Johnson, A., VanFleet, R., Stewart, L., Crowley, S., DePrekel, M., Eccles, E., Hey, L., Howie, A., Johnson, C., King, B., Runge, N., Snyder, S., Trevathan-Minnis, M. (2019). Summary of Considerations for APA Ethical Standards Competencies in Animal-Assisted Interventions. APA Div. 17, Sec. 13 Human Animal Interactions Ethics Workgroup.

King, B. (2016). …on mothering and being mothered. In Hoffman, L., Moats, M., & Greening, Our Last Walk: Using poetry to grieve and remember our pets. Colorado Springs, CO: University Professor’s Press

King, B. (2014). Goddesses and Fools. Wild Woman Rising, 2, (7). Retrieved from

King, B. (2013). Of goddesses and fools. About Place Journal, 2 (2). Black Earth Institute, Black Earth, WI. ISSN 2327-784X

King, B. (2011). [Following the spirit of the law, in spirit]. In Monaghan, P. (Ed), Can a person be spiritual but not religious? In World Religions: Belief, Culture, and Controversy. Retrieved January 17, 2012, from

King, B. (2008). A four and a nine crawl into bed. TALK Journal: Journal for the Association of Enneagram Teachers in the Narrative Tradition, 16(1), 18-19 a four and a nine crawl into a bed link here

King, B. (2000). The 28 day year (a poem). SageWoman: Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman, 50, 31.


King, B. (2024, October 3rd). Existential etymologies: Redefining our linguistic approach to our animal companions. Paper presented at The Realities and the Consequences of the Human-Companion Animal Bond conference, Michigan State University Law School, Lansing, MI. (Abstract here)

King, B., Klinghammer, K., Palmisano, C., Settlege, B., Worthington, W. (2024) Creating a Community Interest Group: A Humanistic Approach to the Human/Non-Human Animal Connection (SACRED: Saybrook Animal Care, Research & Education with Dignity). Poster at The American Psychological Association Annual Conference. Seattle, WA

King, B., Lac, V. (2024). Existential Humanistic Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy.
Poster at The American Psychological Association Annual Conference. Seattle, WA

Bowen, S., & King, B. (2023). A Christian and a Pagan walk into an Animal Shelter: Multifaith thoughts on interspecies justice. Parliament of the World’s Religions. 08.17.23. Chicago, Il.

Goddess Speaks. Parliament of the World’s Religions. 08.15.23. Chicago, IL.
King, B., Jackson,, T., Cabell, C., & Duberstein, A. (2023, August). Reproductive justice and the attack on women’s rights: Humanistic embodiments of radical hospitality. Paper presented at the American Psychological Association annual conference, Washington, DC.

Not it: Spiritually focused animal companionship. Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Div 32) Spring Conference. 03.17.23

King, B. (2022). The philosopher’s stone. Existential-humanistic psychology in managed care. Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Div 32) Spring Conference. 03.26.22

King, B. (2022). The intersectionality of spirituality and animal companionship. American Psychological Div. 17 Sec 13 Human Animal Interaction Webinar June 9, 2022. Link to presentation here.

King, B. (2022). No need to worry: Animal assisted interventions for anxiety disorders. (2022). American Psychological Div. 17 Sec 13 Human Animal Interaction Webinar June 2, 2022.

Brown, V., Buchanan, A. King, B., Sebree, D., Spaeth, D. (2021). The Bereavement of the World. Parliament of the World’s Religions. Virtual.

Bridges-Carter, S., Bussolari, C., Erdman, P., Johnson, A., King, B., Morrissey, M. (2021) Ethical and Legal Considerations in Human-Animal Interactions: Dogs on Campus. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Virtual.

King, B. (2019). How to be Spiritual but not Religious (2019). The She-Hive, Ferndale, MI.

King, B. (2019). Introduction to Priestessing (2019). The She-Hive, Ferndale MI.

Ames, A., DePorter, T., Johnson, A., King, B. (2019). Multidisciplinary Considerations of the Emotional Support Animal Certification. Presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL

King, B. (2019). Tales from the Dog Park – Mutuality and well being. Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago IL.

Ames, A., DePorter, T., King, B. (2019). Multidisciplinary Considerations of the Emotional Support Animal Certification. Presentation at International Society of Anthrozoology, Annual Conference, Orlando FL

Ames, A., DePorter, T., Johnson, A., King, B. (2019). Multidisciplinary Considerations of the Emotional Support Animal Certification. Presentation at Interdisciplinary Forum of Applied Animal Behavior, Annual Conference, Tempe CO.

Ames, A., DePorter, T., Johnson, A., King, B. (2019). An Examination of the Quality of Evidence on Emotional Support Animals. Presentation at the American Psychiatric Nursing Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA

King, B. (2018). Beans, greens and cornbread: Remembering and not remembering. In R. Bargdill (Chair), Extending the table: a multicultural immersive discussion. Poetry reading at APA Division 32 Annual Conference, Boulder, CO.

Belton, G., Brown, V., Darling, K., Jackson, T., Kamens, S., Kass, S., … Vallejos, L. (2018). #ustoo: An experiential uniting through the pain of America’s rape culture. Presentation at APA Division 32 Annual Conference, Boulder, CO.

King, B. (2018). Therapy as ritual: Sacred intentionality in the 50-minute hour. Presentation at APA Division 32 Annual Conference, Boulder, CO.

King, B., & Brown, V. (2016). Spiritually integrated psychotherapy. APA Division 32 Conference, Pittsburg PA

King, B., Duberstein, A., & DIuzynsky, J. (2016). Unleashed: Communication of emotionally charged topics between individuals with differing political viewpoints. APA Division 32 Conference, Pittsburg PA

King, B., & Brennan, J. (2016). Who let the dogs out: Clinical and forensic implications of the rapidly growing Emotional Support Animal (ESA) movement. APA Division 32 Conference, Pittsburg PA

King, B., Brown, V., Larson, P. & Spaeth, D. (2015). The intersection of Humanistic psychology and Pagan spiritual identity: Personal and professional perspectives. APA Division 32 Annual Conference, San Francisco CA

King, B., & Brown, V. (2015). Ceremonies of healing: An experiential use of ritual in psychotherapy. APA Division 32 Annual Conference, San Francisco CA.

Bies, C. & King, B. (2015). Red Tent Movie: Things we don’t talk about. Michigan School of Professional Psychology. Farmington Hills MI.

King, B., Dunn, C., Klaver, J & Brennan, J. (2015). From Property to Family: The Moral and Ethical Imperative of Companion Animal Stewardship. EcoJustice & Activism Conference – Eastern Michigan University. Ypsilanti MI.

King, B. (2015). Ofrenda de mi Perra. EcoJustice & Activism Conference – Eastern Michigan University. Ypsilanti MI.

King, B. (2015). Gestalt Collage: A Projective Self-Inquiry Intervention. APA Division 32 – Annual Conference, Chicago IL.

King, B. (2014). The Celtic Goddesses. Goddess Bless Celebration. November 22. Farmington Hills MI.

King, B. (2014). Ofrenda de mi perra. The Detroit Institute of Arts Ofrenda Exhibit. October 24-Nov 2nd. Detroit MI.

King, B. (2014). Contacting the Priestess Within: A four part ritual and energy healing training program. Betz King PC, Farmington Hills, MI

King, B. & Diegel, R. (2012). Opening to Authenticity: Yoga, Meditation, & Compassionate Self-Inquiry. Song of the Morning Retreat Center, Vanderbilt, MI
King, B. (2011). The Sanctified Womb: Embodied spiritual empowerment through the use of psycho-spiritual ceremony. APA Division 32 – Annual Conference, Chicago IL

King, B. (2010). The Sanctified Womb Ceremony. Association for the Study of Women and Mythology – Annual Conference, Bangor PA

King, B. (2010). Women’s Empowerment – The power of feminine energy. MISPP Wellness Series, Farmington Library, Farmington MI.

King, B. (2009). A Psycho-Magical Exploration of the Shadow. Convocation 2009, Troy, MI

King, B. (2008). Leaving Oz: The integration of head, heart and body. Convocation 2008, Troy, MI[LL3] .

King, B. (2007). Dialectical behavioral therapy. Michigan School of Professional Psychology, Farmington Hills, MI.

King, B. (2006). Emotional intelligence for geniuses. South Eastern Michigan MENSA, Southfield, MI

King, B. (2005). Humanistic interventions with substance abusing clients. Gateway Counseling Center, Madison Heights, MI.

King, B. (2005). Spirituality and psychotherapy. Clean House Inc, Southfield, MI.

King, B. (2004). Humanistic interventions with substance abusing clients. Center for Humanistic Studies, Farmington Hills MI.

King, B. (2004). Pre menstrual dysmorphoric disorder & post partum depression. Bingham Farms Obstetrics, Bingham Farms, MI.

King, B. (2004). Bipolar disorder, substance induced mood disorder & psychiatric meds. 47th District Court, Farmington Hills, MI.

King, B. (2004). Dialectical behavioral therapy for beginners. Archambeau & Associates, Royal Oak MI.

King, B. (2004). Integrating psychology and spiritual traditions in psychotherapy practice. Association of Enneagram Teachers in the Narrative Tradition Conference, Covington, KY.

King, B. (2003). Working with treatment resistant clients. Center for Humanistic Studies, Farmington Hills, MI.

King, B. (2002). Dual diagnosis: Addiction & mental illness. Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

King, B. (2002). Anger management / impulse control. Lakeland High School, White Lake, MI.

King, B. (2002). Rational emotive therapy and the abc’s of distortion recovery. Insight at Columbiere, Clarkston, MI.

King, B. (2001). Dual diagnosis treatment – Inservice for oakland county crisis line supervisors. Common Ground Sanctuary, Pontiac, MI.