“A child of deaf adult, often known by the acronym “coda”, is a person who was raised by one or more deaf parents or guardians. Millie Brother coined the term and founded the organization CODA, which serves as a resource and a center of community for children of deaf adults as an oral and a sign language, and bicultural, identifying with both deaf and hearing cultures. Codas must navigate the border between the deaf and hearing worlds, serving as liaisons between their deaf parents and the hearing world in which they reside.”
Robert Hoffmeister, Open Your Eyes: Border Crossings by Hearing Children of Deaf Parents: The Lost History of Codas (University of Minnesota Press, 2008), 207.
Kerri Clark, Communication & Parenting Issues in Families with Deaf Parents and Hearing Children, http://lifeprint.com/asl101/pages-layout/coda.htm, (April 2003)
CODA International – Celebrates the unique heritage and multicultural identities of adult hearing individuals with Deaf parents.
CODA Midwest strives to serve the needs of individuals with deaf parents residing in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. CODA Midwest encourages exploration of the bilingual, bicultural, and bimodal experience and identity of children of deaf adults. CODA Midwest supports the “Mission and Purposes” of CODA International, which honors the unique heritage and multicultural identities of adult hearing individuals with deaf parent(s).